About Us

Established in 2009, we provide different brands of accessories and electronics parts, for people making their own robot and electronics products. Our web store offers small electronics components, micro controllers, servos, motors, sensors, different basic kit sets and even robot kits.
In order to provide more and different items and products, we had acquired to be the distributor and dealer of most famous brands. (eg. Pololu, SparkFun, Adafruit, Elenco, BeRobot, Droids, Nexus Robot, and more ....).
We also provide bulk volume purchase discount for education institutes and organizations. Sourcing and custom made different learning kits for different levels of end users or students.
We can provide tailor made training course for some specific products and learning kits .
Our goal is to assist people and hobbyists making their first programmable robot in a easy way, and learning more about electronics and mechanics concepts. How to design and make a simple robot car, even a humanoid robot.
We can share experience and programming technique with you, improving your robot design, enhance your robot's functionalities.
Enjoy your robot projects.
為了提供更多的和不同的項目和產品,我們已經獲得成為最知名的品牌的分銷商和經銷商。 (如Pololu ,SparkFun ,Adafruit ,ELENCO , BeRobot ,Droids , Nexus Robot,以及更多....)。